Additional Info, Resume, Employment History, Activities 1

Additional Info, Resume, Employment History, Activities

This is the fifth of five posts analyzing the Stanford GSB MBA Essay Questions for 2009/2010 Admission. The first post has an overall perspective on deciding on Stanford GSB. The next post is on Essay 1. The third post is on Essay 2. The fourth post is on Essay 3. My analysis of Stanford GSB interviews can here be found. There is certainly nothing more depressing to me than to look at an MBA application that is hastily come up with. Worse still if it is for a school that is hard to get into. Worse, if it is for Stanford yet, where, under Derrick Bolton, there is a very rigorous method of application review.

Some people look at application forms as mere forms. I take a look at them as opportunities to provide admissions with as impressive and complete presentation as one can. The reason admissions made the application was because they want the given information to make a decision about you, so don’t provide something that is performed at the last minute. For a full analysis of an MBA online software, see here. With this section of the online application, you have a chance to describe your part-time and full-time employment history, including your core responsibilities, your most significant challenges, and your greatest accomplishments. We value diversity of experience inside our student body, so nobody function or industry or background is preferred over another.

As you approach your MBA program, keep in brain that we are more interested in the impact you have had in your projects place than the name or stature of your company. Have you made the most of your professional opportunities? Are you cultivating your leadership and team skills and making an improvement?

We look at your responses together with your recommendations to create a wide picture of the impact you experienced in your work environment(s). If you have had more than one job, we also ask why you still left your prior employer(s). Your response to this question will help us understand your career development and what has motivated your decision making. We also ask you to report the industry and job function you desire to pursue after you obtain your MBA. After completing the Employment History section, please upload a current duplicate of your application (follow the Application Instructions). Along with the essays, the Work and resume Background are the most significant documents that you control.

Both should present you as effectively and truthfully as possible. These two values are not in conflict: Be honest, be thorough, and do not be humble. You are being judged by your professional experience and this is where they get your complete record of it. When you have not done so, I suggest reading Steve Green’s post on resumes. 2 yrs at the Stanford display in Tokyo ago, the admissions officer emphasized that the admissions committee reads transcripts carefully. When you don’t control the content at this time, you have the possibility of impacting how the transcript is interpreted. Scrutinize your own transcript.

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If your GPA is high, this is easy. If there is some other information that is crucial for us to learn and is not captured elsewhere, include it in this portion of your application. Do not include additional essays. Extenuating circumstances influencing educational or work performance. An explanation of why there is no need a Letter of Reference from your current direct supervisor. Explanation of criminal conviction, academic expulsion, or suspension, and/or failing marks.

Any other information that you didn’t have sufficient space to complete in another portion of the application (begin the info in the appropriate section). Additional work experience that cannot fit into the area provided. INSEAD, Columbia, or London Business School, but unless your objective is to inform Stanford GSB about this, don’t include it here. I don’t believe the categories above require interpretation as they are clear. In the event that you really have no explanation for something negative, don’t bother writing about it.